Saturday, 26 May 2012

Jailbreak Tour

What is it?
You may have heard the term "jailbreaking" discussed as something cool that you can do to your iphone, ipad  or ipodtouch. Well, Jailbreaking is the name given to the process used to modify the operating system running on your iPhone and iPad (iOS) to allow the owner of the device greater control and removing the limitations imposed by Apple with the use of custom Kernels. Jailbreaking allows iOS users to gain root access to the operating system, allowing them to download additional  applications, extensions and themes that are unavailable through the official Apple app store. Jailbreaking your iDevice helps you customize, that is- change your wallpaper, app icons as well as the overall UI. It enables you to add tweeks and mods which you always wished to have in your iPhone/iPad. Jailbreaking your iDevice in and of itself doesn't normally make much difference in your operation of it, but it allows you to install amazing third-party applications not blessed by Apple.

Is it Legal?

There are readers asking me, Oh! jailbreaking? is it legal? and my answer is- Yes, its legal.
Back in the day the entertainment industry tried to stop consumers from videotaping TV shows to watch at a later time. But the courts and Congress said taping TV shows is a non-infringing use of copyrighted works: it is “fair use.” More likely, the Copyright Office has determined that Apple locking the iPhone to prevent its running unapproved apps is an unfair restriction on consumers’ fair use rights.Consumers should be allowed to jailbreak their iPhones and install whatever applications they like: not just those approved by Apple. Unlocking your iPhone to install non-approved apps is a legal exemption to the DMCA, the Copyright Office has ruled. Hence the Library of Congress made jailbreaking Legal activity.

You need to know... 
Well, the process isnt an uphill battle, assuming a certain level of knowledge and understanding. Using the latest and currect resources you can easily jailbreak you iDevice sitting at home without the help of any apple personnel. No more of spending your pocket money on that techie friend of yours who'll charge you big bucks. In the world of iPhone jailbreak and unlocking, two terms that often come up are Tethered and Untethered. While experienced users are already pretty familiar with what this means, it often boggles down novice users who are new to the jailbreak front line. In this article we’ll explore what these term mean, why some jailbreaks are tethered, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and what is the current status of iOS devices when it comes to jailbreaking.

Tethered literally means ‘attached’, and this is exactly what these kinds of jailbreaks are. In definition terms, a tethered jailbreak is one in which a jailbroken device cannot reboot (not from standby, but from complete power off) unless it is attached to a computer. Such a device, if powered off, will go into recovery mode (or recovery loop) infinitely when rebooted unless it is attached to a computer and the same program that was used for jailbreak, will bypass the Apple logo and boot the device again. The only reason a tethered jailbreak requires the assistance of a computer is because iBoot cannot pass the installed OS as genuine; it reads it as a modified (unsigned) one. The tool in your PC overrides iBoot itself, and so, the OS 
remains as it was before, but you get the device booted.
Technically, an untethered jailbreak is one in which your device stays jailbroken even after a full reboot, and iBoot is bypassed normally. Examples of such jailbreaks are numerous, ranging from redsnow to greenpoison and beyond, which all jailbreak the device permanently without need of support from any other medium. Generally, these jailbreak tools use such an exploit that bypasses the iBoot sequence on its own, hence eliminating the need to connect with a computer.
Bottom Line :
Due to the hassle of tethering (connecting) your iOS hardware to a computer on each boot, an untethered jailbreak is obviously preferential.

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